Google Glass And Wearable Technology Just Took One Step Closer To Normalcy

It is not there just yet, but this whole wearable computing trend is getting closer to the mainstream each day. Today, it took a big step forward. So I have tested and reviewed Google Glass and long story short, it is awesome and also way too geeky for even someone like me to wear full time.


You see, I don’t have glasses so to wear something on my face at all times is just not natural. However, today Google announced that Glass now works with prescription glasses as well as some sunglasses they are selling as an add on to the existing Explorer program.

The new glasses will cost an additional $225 and are made out of titanium. The NY Times is reporting that the largest optical health insurance provider in the US is working with Google to offer subsidized frames and lenses.


Your thoughts about Google Glass aside, these glasses look great but more importantly, they look normal. That is the goal Google is aiming for. To normalize Google Glass and wearable computing in general. I don’t know about you, but I am now one step closer to spending that insane $1,500 on Glass.


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