Top 5 Companies From Nordics To Watch In 2019

But what are the companies that are most likely to see the biggest changes towards a positive end? In this article, we would like to look at some of the most exciting companies and their prospects for 2019 and see what the trends are telling us to do in 2019.

We are not going to be looking at startup today though. We are considering some of the companies that have already impressed us over the years, and what impact the coming year might have on the way they are valued or the way they operate. Some very exciting deals and changes have taken place within these companies, ones that will be providing us with the opportunity to speculate about the future of said groups (full list available here).

Kindred Group

Kindred is one of the better known Nordic companies that has been part of the online gaming and betting world for a few years now. Their track record is short, but it is an interesting one for sure - they have been going through years of steady growth up until recently. After peaking in their stock value recently, the company seemed to enter a downtrend in its stock value. This is a result of the introduction of stringent limitations on online gaming in certain Nordic countries. Though with the recent acquisition of a license to operate in Sweden, the company is looking to enter another uptrend, so that it might be a good idea to start keeping an eye on the company right about now.


Kopparbregs is a family owned brewery that has existed and operated since the late 1800s in a small town in Sweden. The brewery has an interesting and impressive history and does produce some interesting beer as well. This company had also had a very interesting history of its stock valuation, becoming listed sometime in 2013/2014, the value per share kept climbing steadily, until the news about a possible Brexit hit. Since the company depends heavily on their exports to Britain and the value of the Great British Pound. The value of the stock fell and the prospects for the value rising seemed rather bleak up until very recently. The recent political turmoil of in the British Parliament and the possible second referendum, as well as the fall of the odds of Brexit happening, have caused some to speculate that the stock of this company will become safe to invest in soon enough. If the Brexit deal does not take place, the beer manufacturer’s stock might start climbing once again.

It is important to keep a close eye on this company, as the prospects of the Brexit situation get cleared up. Now that the stock valuation is at its lowest, it might be smart to consider buying some, just in case a steady climb will resume, just like before.


Yara International company is one to keep an eye on, simply because it simply like keeping an eye on the future. This global chemical company produces essential tools and chemicals for farmers and industrial level food producers alike. This company is interested in providing sustainable, renewable sources of food and energy for the world in the near future, and this should be making everyone excited. The company is the first to produce zero emissions, autonomous container feeder, giving it an advantage over its global competition. This coupled with the company’s bet on the future of the world might be making it a very interesting prospect for 2019. The company works with food, which is a need that is never going away and is only going to grow in demand with the rising global populations. Considering the already complicated situation that the world has entered in terms of food supply, 2019 and beyond look to be very important for Yara.

Yara as seen a steady, but volatile growth, in the past few years. The volatility should not be scaring you, but actually should be making you more or less excited - the occasional drop in price should allow you to pick up some more Yara stock, every once in a while. Definitely worth keeping an eye on in 2019.

Norsk Hydro

Norsk Hydro is a fortune 500 company. It specializes in providing aluminum to power companies, providing renewable energy solutions and a number of other aluminum supply activities. The company’s stock went through a bit of a tumble sometime in 2008 as a result of the global recession but has since been on a steady climb back to old levels of valuation. The underlying rule is that Aluminium is always in demand, especially when related to technology. Which is why the company has had a non-stop steady climb even right after the 2008 recession. The trend looks to continue into 2019 when the stock value of the company will approach to its pre-recession peaks. So it might be a good idea to keep an eye on the stock.


ABB is one of the leading technology companies in the world. The company participates largely in the power and automation industries. The company operates around the world, in over one one hundred countries, but most of its market is concentrated in Europe. The products that ABB is offering are extremely well positioned to start participating in the new world of technologies: artificial intelligence, Robotics, Energy storage, and otherwise new age technologies. The leaders of the company are promising that the company is going to keep innovating and going to remain the pioneer in the industry. This makes the company something to watch out for in 2019, as the world enters a new stage of rapid technological advancement.

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