The "Rags-To-Riches" Portfolio: An Update

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Cannabis, psychedelic, and plant-based food stocks performed extremely poorly in 2022, DOWN 73% vs. 2021 but perhaps some of them will bounce back with major returns in 2023. tracks the performance of the largest Canadian cannabis LPs, American cannabis MSOs, psychedelic drug stocks and plant-based food stocks in four separate indexes on a weekly basis and the munKNEE "Rags-to-Riches" Portfolio consists of the 14 stocks in those indexes with market capitalizations between $400M and $3.0B - an average of $968M. The munKNEE "Multi-bagger" Portfolio, in comparison, consists of the remaining 12 stocks in the same four indexes but with market capitalizations between $100M and $399M with am average of $136M.

Below is an update on how the various categories in the Portfolio, and their constituents, have performed month-to-date (MTD) and year-to-date (YTD).

  1. American Cannabis MSO constituents:
    • Cresco (CRLBF): DOWN 3.5% MTD; DOWN 4.6% YTD;
    • Curaleaf (CURLF): DOWN 5.8% MTD; DOWN 13.0% YTD;
    • Green Thumb (GTBIF):  DOWN 1.8% MTD; DOWN 3.3% YTD;
    • TerrAscend (TRSSF): DOWN 4.5% MTD; UP 36.4% YTD;
    • Trulieve (TCNNF): DOWN 4.5% MTD; DOWN 18.8% YTD; and
    • Verano (VRNOF): No Change MTD; DOWN 3.9% YTD.
      • In total: DOWN 3.2% MTD; DOWN 7.8% YTD.
    • For comparison purposes, the AdvisorShares Pure U.S. Cannabis ETF (MSOS) is DOWN 3.4% MTD and is DOWN 10.0% YTD.
  2. Canadian Cannabis LP constituents:
    • Canopy Growth (CGC): DOWN 13.4% MTD; DOWN 11.9% YTD;
    • Cronos (CRON): DOWN 1.0% MTD; DOWN 22.6% YTD; and
    • Tilray (TLRY): DOWN 7.8% MTD; DOWN 2.2% YTD.
      • In total: DOWN 7.7% MTD; DOWN 12.1% YTD
    • For comparison purposes, the Global X Cannabis ETF (POTX) is DOWN 13.3% MTD and DOWN 16.2% YTD.
  3. Psychedelic Drug Stock constituents:
    • Atai (ATAI): DOWN 27.4% MTD; DOWN 52.7% YTD;
    • Compass Pathways (CMPS): UP 1.0% MTD; UP 6.7% YTD; and
    • GH Research (GHRS): DOWN 19.4% MTD; DOWN 19.1% YTD.
      • In total: DOWN 12.7% MTD; DOWN 15.3% YTD
    • For comparison purposes, the AdvisorShares Psychedelics ETF (PSIL) is DOWN 15.5% MTD and DOWN 3.3% YTD.
  4. Plant-Based Food Stock constituents:
    • Beyond Meat (BYND): DOWN 12.9% MTD; UP 26.4% YTD; and
    • Oatly Group (OTLY): UP 5.0% MTD; UP 32.8% YTD.
      • In total: DOWN 10.9% MTD; UP 27.2% YTD
    • No comparable plant-based food stock ETFs

In Conclusion

  • The "Rags-to-Riches" Portfolio is -8.6% MTD and -3.7% YTD,
  • the S&P 500 is only -1.4% MTD and is +2.0% YTD
  • and our "Multi-bagger" Portfolio is +0.6% MTD and -8.6 % YTD.

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Planet 13: Eight Analysts Forecast An Average Upside Of 94% Within 12 Months
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Disclosure: None

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