This video discusses the market action seen in the past week and whether or not risk and reality may overwhelm those markets.
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Disclaimer: Neither TheoTrade or any of its officers, directors, employees, other personnel, representatives, agents or independent contractors is, in such capacities, a licensed financial adviser, registered investment adviser, registered broker-dealer or FINRA|SIPC|NFA-member firm. TheoTrade does not provide investment or financial advice or make investment recommendations. TheoTrade is not in the business of transacting trades, nor does TheoTrade agree to direct your brokerage accounts or give trading advice tailored to your particular situation. Nothing contained in our content constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, or endorsement of any particular security, other investment product, transaction or investment.
Risks are part of reality and it is important to understand the odds of things going one way or the other, and the probable result of either one of those paths. Functionally that is similar to producing your luck.
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Risks are part of reality and it is important to understand the odds of things going one way or the other, and the probable result of either one of those paths. Functionally that is similar to producing your luck.