Holiday Week Action Suggests Optimistic Earnings Ahead

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This week having been a short holiday week hasn’t thrown any surprises. The S&P and Nasdaq remain overbought but with further room for upside.

Plum setups are still somewhat thin on the ground, and you’ll see the importance of striking when a stock looks hot near a Key Level … like TSLA a couple of weeks ago.

Continue to be the lion! Don’t become a headless chicken just because you missed one.

Market Outlook:

Watch the video for more detail.

The SPY and QQQ are purring upwards as I write this. Meanwhile, the DIA is flat and the IWM is drifting lower.

Next week should give more of a nod as to how earnings season will unfold.

There’s not much real quality out there, which makes life easier in that there’s not much to choose from!

Our market timing is a real strength that few others possess. Being good at market timing enables you to swim WITH the tide. 

The Main Indices:

The SPY and QQQ would still benefit from meaningful pullbacks to their 50-DMAs but as I mentioned last week, are proving to be remarkably robust.

The DIA looks like it has some upside potential, while the IWM now looks vulnerable.

Ultimately these are tricky conditions with not a lot of conviction to really sink your teeth into. Respect this and be ready with the big guns for when there’s more clarity.

Stock Selection:

Today’s review took me a record fast time because of the big upgrade we released yesterday.

What it meant is that I could amend my Fast Filters from the charts and quickly whizz through more focused setups without having to switch screens. It’s every bit as good as I was expecting and there are still further improvements we’ll make.

Like the last few weeks, there’s not much out there of real AAA quality this week. If you think otherwise, then your analysis may not be stringent enough!

Remember a chart needs to have the right qualities in order for you to consider trading it.

Pick your playbook and stick to the best quality setups that conform to it.

My playbook is OVI, near Key Levels, Shrinking Retracements, and a consolidation/sideways move. The other two Big Money Footprints are desirable but those four are essential to ME!

Video Length: 00:36:17

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Resilient But Flaky Conditions Set To Continue

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