This blog is not, and have never been, investment advice. It is a place that allows me to express my own views on the market and specific securities – as well as make whatever cultural ...
This blog is not, and have never been, investment advice. It is a place that allows me to express my own views on the market and specific securities – as well as make whatever cultural observations or other odds and ends strike me as worth writing about. So I take absolutely no responsibility for the losses – or any credit for the gains – you may or may not make from reading this forum. Whether you lose your life savings or make a fortune is entirely up to you and your own skills/luck/fate.
Please note I am the principal of Tim Knight Organization, LLC, a California-registered investment adviser. The content of the postings and investment strategies and discussions provided herein do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or policies of Tim Knight Organization, LLC and Tim Knight Organization, LLC makes no warranties regarding the accuracy of their content or their completeness.
if you are being comedic, please don't quite your dayjob..cheers
that was supposed to read "quit" your day job..cheers
I have no idea what this chart is saying, what the red arrow means or the zerohegde comment.Please enighten me..
ESH5 is the E-Mini S&P500 Futures for March 2015. Dennis Gartman puts out the daily Gartman Letter which a lot of people follow. ZeroHedge is pointing out that Gartman changed his position, and Tim Knight is showing where on the chart that happened. And yes, given the direction the chart took after, there may be a certain eye-wink in the headline.
thank for clarifying..I guess I wasn't the only one who didn't "get"the joke..Gartman is king of the flip flops for sure..and long OF gold..(hate when he says
Me neither. Mr. Knight can you please elaborate on the significance of this chart?
The Gartman Gauge. Works for both equities AND commodities. Haha.
amazes me how often he is on Fast Money..maybe Michelle has a soft spot for old
It always does! Old School, he is! Not sure why he attracts so much air time..full of BS. "Lower left to upper right" lol
yes, unless it falls on his foot. I think it (heavy metal du jour) should fall on his might wake him up..what a
Could not agree more, he is a pure marketer! No valid research