Employment & Vehicle Sales Holding, Chemical Activity Barometer & Temp Help Rising

“Davidson” submits:

The employment reports today show a rise in the Establishment Survey of 263,000 and drop in the Household Survey of 103,000. Forecasts will be modified with these reports but the trends since 2009 and past cycle patterns remain fairly consistent with economic expansion. No adjustment in investor thinking is necessary. Temporary Help and the Chemical Activity Barometer, after a pause for the Oct-Dec 2018 market correction period, continue to rise indicating additional economic expansion ahead.

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I monitor and recommend investments using 100 companies of the Russell 3000 with the better management teams. Many remain at attractive price levels especially with their managements forecasting strong business prospects 12mos ahead. The many opportunities available today are occurring because so many investors remain pessimistic. A decent number of issues offer the potential to provide over 100% investment returns the next 3yrs+. These are not F.A.A.N.G. issues but companies representing the basics of meeting the Standard of Living demands of the global economy.

The current investment environment has much to like in my opinion.

Disclosure: The information in this blog post represents my own opinions and does not contain a recommendation for any particular security or investment. I or my affiliates may hold positions or ...

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