Elliott Wave Technical Analysis: Visa Inc. - Friday, July 19

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V Elliott Wave Analysis Trading Lounge Daily Chart,

Visa Inc., (V) Daily Chart

V Elliott Wave Technical Analysis


MODE: Impulsive  



DIRECTION: Upside in wave 1.  

DETAILS: Looking for a bottom in wave (4) in place, after what seems to have been a clear three wave move that reached equality of C vs. A, very common target for wave C.


V Elliott Wave Analysis Trading Lounge 4Hr Chart,

Visa Inc., (V) 4Hr Chart

V Elliott Wave Technical Analysis


MODE: Impulsive  


POSITION: Wave {i} of 1.  

DIRECTION: Upside in wave {iii}.  

DETAILS: Looking for a clear five wave move into Minor wave 1 to break 280$ and give us additional upside confirmation.


Welcome to our latest Elliott Wave analysis for Visa Inc. (V). This analysis provides an in-depth look at Visa's price movements using the Elliott Wave Theory, helping traders identify potential opportunities based on current trends and market structure. We will cover insights from both the daily and 4-hour charts to offer a comprehensive perspective on Visa's market behavior.

* V Elliott Wave Technical Analysis – Daily Chart*

The daily chart suggests we are looking for a bottom in wave (4) to be in place, following what appears to be a clear three-wave corrective move. This move reached equality of wave C versus wave A, a common target for wave C. With wave (4) potentially complete, we anticipate the start of wave 1's upside movement.

* V Elliott Wave Technical Analysis – 4Hr Chart*

The 4-hour chart indicates that we are looking for a clear five-wave move into Minor wave 1. Breaking above the $280 level will provide additional upside confirmation and signal the continuation of wave {iii} of 1. Traders should monitor the price action closely for this breakout to validate the bullish scenario.

Technical Analyst : Alessio Barretta

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