Electric Car Wreck

It was only weeks ago that Tesla (TSLA) peaked at over $900, making Elon the richest man on the planet. Well, that’s in the rearview mirror now. The stock has crumbled nearly 40% and is still insanely overvalued.

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The “almost as good as Tesla” copycats are getting hammered as well. Here is Chinese electric carmaker NIO which has been undergoing a similar diminishment.

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And, naturally, all the silly electric-related stuff like BLDP, PLUG, and BLNK have been getting vaporized as well.

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William K. 3 years ago Member's comment

Emotions will only take you so far. Beyond that point some rational logic is needed. When an emotion driven rise runs out of confidence the game is over.

Flat Broke 3 years ago Member's comment

I repurchased my $NIO shares at $36. I sold earlier at $39--did I re-enter too high??