Are Curved Mobile Phones The Next Big Thing? This Samsung Ad May Convince You...

Never say never. If I had told you just a few years ago that we would be wearing mobile computers on our wrists and our faces, you might have been inclined to lock me up. And yet, smartwatches are the new black and Google Glass is all over the place.


However, if you are paying attention, smartwatches are so last week, there is a new unbelievably ridiculous trend that is catching fire in the mobile arena. Curved phones. Yes, really. No, I am not on something.

Now before you close this tab, hear me out. Flexible displays, as a technology, has been on people’s minds for years now and of course, Samsung is leading the way. But really, think about it, a curved display would enable you have a much more real-life interactive experience with your phone. I mean, how many things out there in our day to day lives are as straight and sharp edged as a mobile display? Not many, as Samsung illustrated in this soon-to-be-viral ad for their new Samsung Galaxy Round (Yep, that is the name.)

Ok, I know what you’re thinking. “It’s Samsung, they have phones in every single size, shape, and color. Of course, they did this too. It is just a wild experiment that will never take off.” Yea, except that LG has already announced the LG Flex, which you can see in the image below.


Will all our phones be curved in the future? Who knows, but if the mobile world has taught us anything, it has taught us that there is literally nothing you can take as a given and nothing, absolutely nothing, that stays the same from day to day.

Cue Nokia and Motorola curved displays. Once those do well, Apple, feel free to jump on board, but first you need to release a phablet. Oh boy, I said the P word.

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