10 Twitter Feeds Investors Need To Follow

The social media world can be a valuable tool for investors. Whether it be breaking news or stock picks, there are thousands of accounts on Twitter (TWTR - Analyst Report) that help us stay informed and make real-time investment decisions. 

The real struggle with social media is finding the quality content. In a world that is constantly struggling against spam and scams, it's important to optimize your social media experience so that you get the best information at the touch of a button. 

With that said, we've compiled a list of 10 essential accounts to follow on Twitter: 


CNBC calls itself "First in Business Worldwide" and its hard to argue. This news outlet is dedicated to reporting on the global economy and any breaking news in finance. This is a great follow for general news about the markets and big business headlines. 


Investors that are really plugged into the social media world have heard of StockTwits. The website itself is basically Twitter for investors, and there are thousands of great stock picks and market conversations posted on it daily. The website's Twitter feed gives a glimpse into some of those conversations. 



The Wall Street Journal's MoneyBeat feed is a more focused version of WSJ content. On their Twitter feed you'll find headlines about mergers, bankruptcy, private equity, and general market news. This is a good follow for investors who like WSJ content but are more focused on stocks and investing. 


This isn't just a timely follow since the Fed has been in the news lately. The St. Louis Federal Reserve's Twitter page is full of solid content and market analysis. They are constantly posting charts and headlines from their own website, which provide great commentary on the state of the US and global economy. 


We've all heard of Carl Icahn, one of the most famous investors in the world. Although Icahn is an infrequent poster, he does post quality insight into his investments, and his tweets alone can have serious market implications. For example, earlier this summer he took to Twitter to announce he was selling the remainder of his shares in Netflix NFLX, which sent share prices tumbling briefly. 


John Carney is a Wall Street blogger and reporter for the Wall Street Journal. His Twitter feed gives a more personal feel to the insight posted on the WSJ. Formally a senior editor at CNBC and a lawyer on Wall Street, Carney has a lot of experience and isn't afraid to chime in on the latest news. 


Often times a polarizing figure, Charlie Gasparino is a senior reporter at Fox Business. Regardless of whether you like him or not, Gasparino is a news breaker. If you want timely information about the markets, he is a solid follow.


Joseph Weisenthal is a contributor to Bloomberg TV and a writer for BloombergMarkets. He's smart, a good writer, and has a sense of humor. Formally a senior editor at Business Insider, Bloomberg dropped a lot of cash to bring him in. Luckily, you can follow him for free. 


Investment tips and cat pictures, what more could you want? This is a great follow for investors with a sense of humor. StockCats stays up to date with the lastest market news and movement, but the account also provides some lighthearted commentary. While investing can be stressful, this Twitter account is for those who can find the funny side in all things. 


Of course, every investor should follow Zacks. Our Twitter account is constantly linking to our headlines about the latest market news and the best stock picks.


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