100 Years Of Success– Fed Style

The excellent website http://www.mybudget360.com/home/ has an article about Federal Reserve created inflation that is similar to my recent article. He does a comparison of real costs for basic needs in 1938 versus today. Shockingly, he finds the government has dramatically under-reported inflation.

The chart below shows what the price in each of these categories should be, based upon the government reported inflation figures. It appears average income is the one category that hasn’t kept up with overall inflation. I bet you’re happy about that.

Who benefits?


Debt peddlers win when income doesn’t keep up with costs and media propagandists convince the masses they must have what they can’t afford.

Has the Federal Reserve created inflation benefited you in any way whatsoever? Lucky for Ben, Janet and the rest of the Wall Street cabal the average American can’t make change from a one dollar bill, let alone grasp the concept of inflation. The government education system has done its job, just as our owners desired.

Remember – inflation is well contained. Ben is still worried that it is too low.

Know your enemy.

inflation and actual prices


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