Mobility Trends Reach Pre-COVID Levels

“Davidson” submits:

The Apple Mobility Trend through June 5th shows a level of activity back to pre-shutdown levels. While not a true economic measure, it provides insight to general economic trends likely predictive of shifts in these trends. Apple Mobility is weekly, most economic data is a monthly summary and reflects prior month’s average trend.

Currently, few forecasts suggest the rapid pace of recovery in this series with many suggesting a prolonged recession with double-digit unemployment well into 2021. Listening to numerous earnings calls across multiple sectors support the story of a faster than expected recovery. It will be interesting to watch mobility as New York, New Jersey, and California reopen.

This mobility series is anecdotal but should not be dismissed in my experience. Buy equities with the better soup-to-nuts financial histories and high insider accumulation.

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The information in this blog post represents my own opinions and does not contain a recommendation for any particular security or investment. I or my affiliates may hold positions or other interests ...

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