Major Canadian Cannabis LP Stocks Advanced 12% Last Week

The Canadian Cannabis LPs Index consists of the 5 largest vertically integrated (i.e. seed-to-sale) Canadian Licensed Producers. Below are the performances of its constituents last week, in descending order, and since the end of September.

  1. Canopy Growth (CGC): UP 28.3% last week, UP 54.6% since the end of September
  2. Aurora (ACB): UP 16.8% last week, UP 24.4% since the end of September
  3. Tilray (TLRY): UP 9.7% last week, UP 51.4% since the end of September
  4. OrganiGram (OGI): UP 2.1% last week, UP 12.5% since the end of September
  5. Cronos (CRON): DOWN 1.0% last week, UP 8.2% since the end of September.

In total, the munKNEE Canadian Cannabis LPs Index:

  • was UP 12.1% this week compared to the S&P 500 index which was UP only 5.9%,
  • is UP 34.1% since the end of September vs. the S&P 500 which is UP only 11.3%,
  • and outpaced the major American Cannabis MSO Index last week which only went UP 3.3% on the week but more or less matches the 6 week performance of the Canadian Cannabis LPs Index at 33.8%. 

As I mentioned in an article on marijuana ETFs (see here),

  • if you are interested in investing in the Canadian LP category the ETFs with the largest percentage of such stocks is the Global X Cannabis ETF (POTX),
  • if you believe that the category has more or less bottomed and is setting the stage to surge upwards then you might want to consider investing in either the ETFMG 2x Daily Bull Alternative Harvest ETF (MJXL) or the Horizons 2x Bull Marijuana Companies ETF (HMJU).
  • Conversely, if you think the category is going to decline further you might want to consider investing in either the inversely leveraged ETFMG 2x Daily Inverse Alternative Harvest ETF (MJIN) or the BetaPro 2x Inverse Canadian Marijuana Companies ETF (HMJI).

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