Elliott Wave Technical Forecast: Unlocking ASX Trading Success: Santos Limited

ASX: SANTOS LIMITED - STO Elliott Elliott Wave Technical Analysis TradingLounge (1D Chart)

Greetings, Our Elliott Wave analysis today updates the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) with SANTOS LIMITED - STO. We see that the STO may have completed wave ((ii))-navy at the low at 7.35, which also allows wave ((iii))-navy to be opened to push higher.

ASX: SANTOS LIMITED - STO Elliott Wave Technical Analysis  

ASX: SANTOS LIMITED - STO 1D Chart (Semilog Scale) Analysis

Function: Major trend (Minor degree, grey)
Mode: Motive
Structure: Impulse
Position: Wave ((iii))-navy of Wave 3-grey
Details: The short-term outlook suggests that wave ((iii))-navy is perhaps opening up to push higher, a rise above 7.86 would clarify this view.
Invalidation point: 7.35

Confirmation point: 7.86


ASX: SANTOS LIMITED - STO Elliott Wave Technical Analysis TradingLounge (4-
Hour Chart)

ASX: SANTOS LIMITED - STO Elliott Wave Technical Analysis

ASX: SANTOS LIMITED - STO 4-Hour Chart Analysis

Function: Major trend (Minuette degree, orange)
Mode: Motive
Structure: Impulse
Position: Wave (iii)-orange of Wave ((iii))-navy of Wave 3-grey

Details: The shorter-term outlook shows that wave ((ii))-navy seems to have just ended and wave ((iii))-navy is opening to push higher. Currently the price action is breaking down into waves (i),(ii)-orange and they have ended, wave (iii)-orange may be returning to push higher. However, pushing higher than 7.85 will further clarify this outlook.
Invalidation point: 7.35



Our analysis, forecast of contextual trends, and short-term outlook for ASX: SANTOS LIMITED - STO aim to provide readers with insights into the current market trends and how to capitalize on them effectively. We offer specific price points that act as validation or invalidation signals for our wave count, enhancing the confidence in our perspective. By combining these factors, we strive to offer readers the most objective and professional perspective on market trends.

Technical Analyst: Hua (Shane) Cuong, CEWA-M (Master’s Designation).

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Analyst Peter Mathers TradingLounge™ Australian Financial Services Licence - AFSL 317817

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