This Rug Pull Strategy Could Make Us A Fortune

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Woah, what a move today!

Markets got the “rug pulled” out from underneath them today…

Big moves like these give us plenty of ways to make money – here are (3) “Rug Pull” trades on my radar!

Emini and Nasdaq both made BIG MOVES lower today…

We’re overall bullish on the 60min – combine that with today’s “rug pull” and you have a recipe for some BIG WINNERS tomorrow morning!

E-Mini S&P (ES):

  • Emini is bullish overall, and today’s big move lower tells me to look for ways to buy a double-bottom reversal tomorrow morning.

E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

  • Nasdaq made a big move lower in an overall bullish trend, so I’ll be looking for ways to buy bear traps as we resume the overall trend tomorrow morning.

Video Length: 00:22:40

More By This Author:

These Range Traps Could Be Easy Money Tomorrow
These Reversal Trades Could Double Our Profits Tomorrow
This Bull Trap Could Make Profit Entire Week

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