The Case For & Against Economic Collapse

The stock market crash of 2020 is looking more and more like a distant memory, even though we are dealing with an economic collapse with GDP crashing, and unemployment spiking to Great Depression levels. In this video I lay out the argument for another economic collapse as it pertains to the stock market as well as a case for the stock market going back up to its all time highs.

Even though the economy is in a recession, the question becomes, is the stock market bottom in, or is the stock market about to crash again. I also update the stock market crash of 2020 against the stock market crash 2008 (also known as the Great Recession) and the similarities between the two. 

Length: 00:12:11

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Alpha Stockman 4 years ago Member's comment

The economy and the stock market are decoupled. The economy is headed into depression while stocks soar thanks to artificial stimulus by the Fed.

Chee Hin Teh 4 years ago Member's comment

Thanks Ryan...Well said. James