Why Gold Is Not Your Productive Asset

Bullion, Gold, Bar, Gold Bar, Currency, Wealth, Finance

This week, Tom Bodrovics of Palisades Gold Radio was joined by Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore to discuss the concerns about Fed mandates and how higher interest rates may lower inflation but may kill the economy.

Watch the full episode to learn why Stephen believes gold is not your productive asset and where he discusses his views on cryptocurrencies and the significance of silver in war times.

When individuals realize the future is uncertain and begin to tighten their belts, Stephen believes gold prices will begin to shift dramatically.


Video Length: 00:28:45

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Mike Nolan 3 years ago Member's comment

Wow, #gold and #silver may soon be the only thing I'll accept for payment for my goods.

Terrence Howard 3 years ago Member's comment

What about crypto?

Mike Nolan 3 years ago Member's comment

Maybe Etheriuem, lol but in all seriousness every American should look at our dollar and see what happened to the rubble and realize our dollar is trash as well and way over priced. 
How about those wheat prices we talked about a couple years ago! Up up up since we talked about them being super bullish.

Paul McGee 3 years ago Member's comment

I'll trade you wheat for silver bullion! Let's get the silver bullion trading daily for groceries and goods of service etc!