The Economy: No Sound Bite Answers Today
Image Source: Pixabay
Are you looking for a sound bite that properly explains gas prices, inflation, potential stagflation, the crashing stock, and crypto markets? What's happening to the global supply chain? How the Fed's actions are likely to affect the economy in the near term?
Forget it.
There are absolutely no sound bites you can use to explain what's happening now. Every expert has their own theories, and you probably have your own as well. That's all that matters. What do you believe? What do you truly know? What do you truly not know? What are you unable to know? How will you invest your time and resources based on a realistic assessment of your limited knowledge? That's all there is.
I've been listening to financial experts all week. To a person, they have woven interesting narratives that end in the outcome that will most benefit them. If you step back and just listen to the stories, they are actually very entertaining. But deep down, you know that markets are complex systems, and no time-delayed narratives crafted by others can do anything more than try to make you feel better. At worst, you will feel empowered to act (on incomplete information). At best, you will make choices based on other people's "decisions under stress."
There are no sound bite explanations today. None. Today is a good day to look at component parts of your world and optimize them for what you believe is coming. Truth be told, there isn't even a meaningful sound bite about that.
Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it. I am not a financial ...