Gaza And Israel – “A Taste Of Armageddon”

Spaceship, Star Trek, Enterprise, Science Fiction

Image Source: Pixabay

In the original Star Trek series there was an episode in the first season titled, “A Taste of Armageddon”. In this episode, the Enterprise and its crew stumble into a very unusual war being waged between two neighboring planets. Soon after Kirk and the landing party arrive on one of the planets, Eminiar VII, they are informed that the starship has been “destroyed” by a weapon launched by the enemy planet of Vendikar. The ship was not actually destroyed, but the crew members would be required to report to disintegration machines within 24 hours. 

Spock quickly deduces that Eminiar VII and Vendikar, at war for 500 years, have developed a system, run by interconnected war game computers, whereby battles are simulated and casualties tallied. The system was developed to allow both societies to continue to function and thrive without the ravages of an actual war. Citizens on each planet, bred to hate those on the neighboring planet and fully accepting the logic of this mode of war, dutifully report to a designated disintegration machine when notified that they are a casualty of a simulated attack. 

Obviously Captain Kirk had no intention of allowing his crew to be murdered. In violation of the “Prime Directive”, forbidding interference with less developed alien cultures, Kirk and Spock destroy Eminiar VII’s war game computer with a well placed phaser blast, gambling that the threat of engaging in a real war would get the two sides talking. As Kirk puts it in classic Star Trek style when confronted by the leader of Eminiar VII…

I’ve given you back the horrors of war. The Vendikans now assume that you’ve broken your agreement and that you’re preparing to wage real war with real weapons. They’ll want to do the same. Only the next attack they launch will do a lot more than count up numbers in a computer. They’ll destroy cities, devastate your planet. You of course will want to retaliate. If I were you, I’d start making bombs. Yes, Councilman, you have a real war on your hands. You can either wage it with real weapons, or you might consider an alternative. Put an end to it. Make peace.

While Israel and Hamas don’t exactly fight computer simulated wars, the advent of Iron Dome has allowed them to take a step in that direction. Israel’s brilliantly designed and highly effective rocket defense system allows it to greatly minimize the effects of rockets fired from Gaza. As we’ve seen over the past few days with a tragic amount of death, injury and damage, Iron Dome is far from perfect, however it has minimized the effect of Gaza’s weapons by an order of magnitude, allowing Israel to function with some level of normalcy despite being barraged by hundreds of rockets.

The analogy falls short when discussing Gaza. The day-to-day lives of the Gazan people are hardly a picnic and they are certainly not living in anything close to the first world society that Israelis do. The physical damage that Israel can, and does inflict on Gaza is not symmetric and certainly not close to the idealized computer simulated war of Star Trek. That said, however, thanks to Iron Dome, even the Gazans have been spared the catastrophe that a full force invasion by one of the world’s strongest armies would wreak upon them in response to rockets that weren’t mostly swatted out of the sky. 

As with Eminiar VII and Vendikar, technology has allowed Israel and Gaza to maintain a status quo that could go on indefinitely. There are actors on both sides that seem to have a vested interest in keeping things just as they are. There are others who advocate that Israel go in and “wipe them out” regardless of the cost in human lives on both sides. But even that would likely just punt the ball down the field and return us to the untenable status quo that existed prior to 2005. 

I don’t think anyone wants to see advanced aliens beam down and use their laser weapons to destroy the Iron Dome batteries, so maybe we could somehow skip to the part where we figure out how to live peacefully together. Gaza, along with the Palestinians on the West Bank, has the potential to become a Singapore on the Mediterranean. Bold moves are needed to break out of this stalemate for the benefit of all those living in this small plot of land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. I wish I knew what those moves were. I don’t. But I do know that I really don’t want this to continue for another 400 years.

Related Article: Israel: Things You Can't See From There

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Samantha Carter 1 year ago Member's comment

Why won't Hamas agree to a ceasefire?  

CapitalTrader 1 year ago Member's comment

What's the current state of affairs with Gaza?  Sounds pretty bad?

Susan Miller 1 year ago Member's comment

What's it like in Israel now?

Carol Klein 3 years ago Member's comment

Very insightful.

Mike Nolan 3 years ago Member's comment

So I'm a bit confused about something and maybe you can clear it up... So Hamas is a terrorist group... but also a political party? And they control Gaza. The Palestinian Authority under Abbas is another, more moderate party. in the last election, ages ago, the terrorists won the election and took over.... but only in Gaza? Are Gaza and the West Bank separate countries with separate elections? Or do they have one election to determine who governs both areas? And if the latter, how did Abbas end up in control of the West Bank even though he lost?

So then I read there were going to be Palestinian elections again for the first time in like 15 years (why so long?). Then I heard they were cancelled. But why? Now I hear that Hamas is a shoe-in to win the next election since they are now more popular than ever on the streets of both Gaza and the West Bank. The reason for their sky rocketing popularity? Because they were able to kill a few Israeli Jewish (and Arab) women and children in Israel, at the expense of a couple hundred of their own people.

None of this makes sense to me. What else am I missing?

Leslie Miriam 3 years ago Member's comment

I woke up to see you have a cease fire. That's good news, right?

Frank Underwood 3 years ago Member's comment

So when do you think this round of fighting with Hamas will end? And once a ceasefire is declared, will the internal riots end as well?

Texan Hunter 3 years ago Member's comment

You sound like you feel tremendous sympathy for the people of Gaza. But do they feel any sympathy for you? Yes, perhaps they are simply victims of Hamas who keep them uneducated, impoverished, and brainwashed to hate. But they also CHOSE that life by democratically electing Hamas into power. It's not like they did not know what Hamas represented. Seems to me that they made their own beds, let them lay in it.

Michael Lipkin 3 years ago Contributor's comment

There hasn't been an election for 15 years. The children being killed and injured weren't even born yet. So yes, I feel sympathy for them. Also, many Gazans chose Hamas not because they wanted to kill Jews and Israelis, but because they wanted better lives. And in fact many hate the fact that Hamas keeps making war rather than working on making their lives better.

Texan Hunter 3 years ago Member's comment

And 15 years later, has Hamas made the Gazan's life any better? I'd have to say no. And what about the Israeli Arabs? They have a higher standard of living than anywhere else in the Middle East. Women are free to live as equals to men. The LGBTQ have actual rights and don't have to live in fear of being murdered for the crime of their sexuality. Yet even they are now rioting and killing Jews. Seems like these people crave violence and nothing will satisfy them.

People like to act all PC but the truth is, Islam is a religion of hate and violence. Trump was right about them.

ZinZen 3 years ago Member's comment

I think the world would be better off if we just nuked the entire Middle East. A lot less to worry about.

Jack F. Dawson 3 years ago Member's comment

Sure, then we have just the Russians, China, North Korea, the list goes on. The world is filled with problems. It's just that the media loves the ME conflict.

Duanne Johnson 3 years ago Member's comment

So what caused the recent flare-up anyway? Seems like you guys can never just get along. though I'm sure it's more complex than that.

Brittany Lacey 3 years ago Member's comment

Seriously? If you really want to understand and your google is broken, you can read the Joseph Cox article, and/or I've seen more thorough and thoughtful reports, which you can find if you look for more.