Renault Trucks Launches Vehicle “Disassembly Plant” To Boost Circular Economy Initiatives

Renault disassembly

Volvo Group’s Renault Trucks announced the creation of the Used Parts Factory, its “Disassembly Plant” focused on recycling trucks and reusing the parts and raw materials.

The company, which has announced plans to recycle end-of-life trucks and reuse their spare parts, stated that the new facility forms part of its steps towards transitioning its operations to a circular economy approach.

Based at the company’s manufacturing facility in Lyon–Vénissieux, France, the new 3000 m2 plant will handle used vehicles with high mileage, and parts with potential for re-use. End-of-life trucks will be dismantled at the factory, where components identified for re-use will be removed, including engine, gearbox, cabin, fuel tank, bumpers, and deflectors. After checking and cleaning, the parts will be sent to the nearby Renault Trucks spare parts store, and marketed under the “Used Parts by Renault Trucks”label.

Other components from the trucks will be recycled, including metals which can be used for the manufacture of new vehicles.

In a statement announcing the launch of the new plant, Renault Trucks said:

“With this new offer, Renault Trucks is continuing its progression towards carbon neutrality. It is also addressing the shortage of components and raw materials that is impacting the industry as a whole.”


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