Why Jim Rogers Is Buying Silver Over Gold Right Now

Bullion, Gold, Bar, Gold Bar, Currency, Wealth, Finance

Image Source: Pixabay

Jim Rogers joins us this week on GoldCore TV. It's an interesting time to interview someone who is not only as experienced an investor as he is, but also an American who has lived outside of the United States for a long time.

We start by asking him his thoughts on the US economic and political situation, at present. In the last couple of weeks, we've seen an assassination attempt, and Biden step down from the Presidential race. What are Jim's thoughts on all this chaos?

We also ask him where he's investing right now - and why silver is what he's stocking up on.

At one point Jim tells us "It's a good time to be an old American, it's not a good time to be a young one." Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below.

Video Length: 00:20:06

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Frank Underwood 1 hour ago Member's comment

#JimRogers is a smart guy, but a horrible market timer.  He's often just too early.