Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - Then You Must Fear No More

Stocks were up sharply today, after having fallen sharply the previous two days.

Must be a stock option expiration day.

Wash - rinse - repeat.

Gold and silver were higher.

The Dollar chopped sideways.

VIX wallowed.

We have a Comex metals option expiration coming up next week and an FOMC rate decision the week after that.

Have a pleasant weekend.

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More By This Author:

Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - The Sick Rose - Wash And Rinse Continues
Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - Option Expiration For Stocks This Friday.
Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - Stunning Plunge In The VIX

Disclaimer: These are personal observations about the economy and the markets. In providing information, I hope this allows you to make your own decisions in an informed manner, even if it is from ...

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