Global Crop Yields Have Plateaued

Today I spoke with economist and agriculture expert Dan Basse of AgResource. The discussion was more than I expected—the US and the world are facing serious food security issues. Dan goes into great detail during our discussion on:

  1. What “peak farmland” is and why it will be the defining issue for US agriculture and food production...
  2. How China’s global wheat reserves could create supply shortfalls in the rest of the world...
  3. Why food prices globally and domestically will continue to remain “sticky” over the next 5 to 10 years...
  4. Why the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict will cause massive food shortages in the Middle East and Africa and how Latin America could make up the shortfall...
  5. How climate change is affecting global crop yields and why we’re just one adverse event away from a food crisis...

Video length 00:18:23

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Disclaimer:The Mauldin Economics website, Yield Shark, Thoughts from the Frontline, Patrick Cox’s Tech Digest, Outside the Box, Over My Shoulder, World Money Analyst, Street Freak, Just One ...

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