Damn Right: Behind The Scenes With Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger (Book Review)
I've a read quite a bit about Charlie Munger. But everything I've previously read has been about his thoughts. Damn Right: Behind the Scenes with Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger is about the person, his family life, his tragedies and triumphs.
The book really humanizes a guy whose public persona is that of a grump. He teaches us to be unemotional when making important decisions, and so it's been hard for me to see him as anything more than a logical robot that does nothing but take in inputs, analyze and crank out proper outputs.
There is a lot more to the man than just his teachings, however. I appreciated the book for providing a different dimension to this influential educator.
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Is there anything else you could share about the book? It's not much of a review as it is.