A Guide To The Impact Of US Fed’s Interest Rates On Crypto

a pile of gold bitcoins sitting on top of each other

The US Federal Reserve’s interest rate is one of the world’s most influential economic indicators. These rates profoundly affect global markets and investments. 

But what impact does this have on cryptocurrencies? Today, we’ll explore how Fed interest rate changes affect crypto prices and why traders need to pay attention to them.

We will also discuss how quickly these rates are increasing and what this means for cryptocurrency investors. 

Observing the connection between US Fed rates and crypto assets allows you to make informed decisions about your portfolio. The path toward maximizing potential returns while minimizing risk passes through understanding how these rates work.


Understanding The Federal Funds Rate

The Federal Funds Rate (FFR) is the interest rate at which banks borrow funds from each other. The US Federal Reserve determines this rate, and changes in this rate significantly impact global markets.

Banks use these funds to lend money, so when the FFR increases, borrowing costs go up, shrinking the money supply. This can cause a tightening of the money supply, leading to decreased liquidity and higher interest rates.


How Fed Rate Hikes Impact Stocks, Crypto, and Other Investments

When the Fed increases its interest rate, it can significantly impact global markets. Investors tend to avoid risky investments like stocks and crypto in favor of safer assets such as government bonds. This is because increased rates generally mean higher returns on these low-risk investments.

At the same time, rising rates tend to make borrowing more expensive. This operation can cause businesses to become less profitable and stock prices to fall. In such a situation, crypto markets tend to be highly volatile and sensitive to changes in the FFR.

When interest rates rise quickly, negative sentiment spreads in the market, causing investors to pull out money from crypto. This can lead to a sharp price drop, as more people are selling than buying.


How Did the Fed’s Interest Rate Hike Impact the Crypto Market?

The Federal Reserve’s decision to hike interest rates in 2022 significantly impacted the crypto market, particularly Bitcoin. 

In December 2021, the Federal Reserve admitted that its board was underestimating rising inflation. In those weeks, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies began recording a sharp decline as the Fed chose to take action.

Each rate hike caused a dramatic drop in the crypto market, with Bitcoin taking down the whole sector. This was due to investors becoming increasingly wary of investing in cryptocurrencies. Being risky assets, crypto became less attractive than other investments, such as stocks and bonds.

Interest rates increased in 2022 and are still following this trajectory in 2023. As a result, many investors have turned away from cryptocurrencies and instead chosen to invest their money elsewhere.

Only recently, with the global worries on the banking system, have investors have been returning to crypto. This has seen Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies rise again, as investors perceive them to be safer than traditional investments.

Clearly, the Federal Reserve’s decision to raise interest rates has had a major impact on the crypto market. A glance at BTC prices clarifies that the Fed made crypto much less attractive for investors looking for quick returns.

However, despite this setback, many analysts believe that this could be just a temporary phase. Some experts believe cryptocurrencies could still have the potential for long-term growth if they can weather this storm.


The Speed of Hiking Rates and the Crypto Market

The Federal Reserve normally moves slowly and incrementally when it hikes interest rates. The only exception that economists observed was when the Fed increased rates unusually rapidly in 2022. This had a crippling effect on crypto: investors were unprepared for such drastic changes and pulled out their money quickly.

In 2023, the Federal Reserve began slowing its rate hikes, but it continued on its path to fight inflation. Investors have had more time to adjust and prepare for any further rate hikes that may come down the line. 

As a result, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have made a steady comeback from their 2022 downturn. At the moment, they are beginning to recover some of the losses incurred during that turbulent period.

It’s important to note that cryptocurrencies are still highly volatile assets, and any future rate hikes could erase their gains. Therefore, investors need to understand the implications of any changes in monetary policy before investing in crypto.


Bottom Line – Why Cryptocurrencies Cannot Ignore the Federal Reserve’s Interest Rate

Cryptocurrencies are highly sensitive to Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy changes. An unexpected hike can quickly cause a drastic downturn in the value of cryptocurrencies as investors sell off their holdings.

When rates move up slowly and incrementally, there is less volatility, allowing investors more time to adjust their portfolios.

Ultimately, crypto investors need to monitor the Fed’s policy decisions and be ready for any future rate hikes. Understanding how the Fed’s interest rate moves can contribute to building more mature investors in the future of this market.

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