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Founded by Alexander Deluce, The Gold Telegraph is the face of the mining game. We feature breaking industry & economic news as well as commentary and the unmasking of economic truths. We are one of the largest mining communities of active investors in North America.

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The Top 10 Gold Producing Countries
Gold has been used as a medium of exchange for thousands of years and has held its value throughout that time.
National Debt Is Skyrocketing: Over $26 Trillion
The US, among most other global economies, crashed from a booming 2019 to a recession in 2020, which was triggered by the Coronavirus pandemic.
Oh Canada: Canada Is Drifting Towards Negative Interest Rates
With near-zero oil prices, a spiraling contracting GDP, a crazy fiscal policy, and Canadian households buried in debt, it is not a question on if negative interest rates come to Canada, but when?
Global Food Supply Chains Beginning To Erode, Crisis Looms?
As the coronavirus continues to infect more and more people, food supply chains have started to become more strained in recent days.
Prepare For Negative Interest Rates
As a result of the coronavirus, world economies have turned frantic. That includes the United States.
Could Major Inflation Be Coming To Canada?
Canadians are beginning to feel the effects of higher prices as the annual pace of inflation surged to 2.4%.
One-Third Of Canadians Are Overwhelmed By Debt
Personal debt is usually a reason for concern. Many people struggle with it every month. For some Canadians, however, the situation has reached a state of hopelessness.
Could We Be Heading Back Towards A Gold Standard?
For anyone following the gold industry, a significant development that many in the finance industry may not be paying close attention to is the emergence of Judy Shelton within the Federal Reserve.
Drowning In Corporate Debt
The International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) has expressed its concern over the amount of increasing global corporate debt.
The Economy Is Booming, Yet Many Americans Can’t Meet Basic Expenses
Although the economy appears to be booming and unemployment is at an all-time low, not everyone is feeling the economic gains.
Top Six Countries With Largest Gold Reserves
For almost a decade, global central banks have turned into avid gold buyers. Gold purchases by central banks in 2018 rose 36 percent over the previous year. Central banks are now holding 366 tons of the yellow metal.
Hyperinflation Is Becoming Common In The 21st Century
How destructive is hyperinflation? To quote economist Thomas Sowell, “Hyperinflation can take virtually your entire life’s savings, without the government having to bother raising the official tax rate at all.”
China Continues To Add To Its Gold Reserves
China increased its gold reserves for the third straight month in February according to the People’s Bank of China.
Countries Are Beginning To Stockpile Gold
The Bank of China had increased its gold reserves from 1842.6 tons to 1,852 tons in December 2018. This increase represents the first major purchase of gold by the Bank of China since 2016.
The United States Is Facing A Mountain Of Corporate Debt
While the U.S. economy appears to be booming, so is the country’s corporate debt, which is a historical and stratospheric high.
Hyperinflation Has Left Venezuela Devastated
Venezuelans have no reason to be optimistic. Food has turned into an extreme luxury, and many Venezuelans are starving.
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