Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - Standing Firm In Times Of Madness

Today was a sleepy half day of trading ahead of the 4th of July Holiday.

US markets will be closed tomorrow.

Stocks sold off into the close.

The precious metals gained ground on a weaker dollar and a deeply oversold short-term condition.

There will be a Non-Farm payrolls report on Friday.

As I had forecasted some time ago, we are now in a period of hysteria, wherein people will be saying, and most likely doing, some crazy and reprehensible things. The propaganda is so blatant on some internet sites that it is almost amazing.  

If they are full of hatred, and race baiting, anti-semitism, and scorn for the weak and the other, shun them. It is a good thing to step back from the emotional exchanges and looks objectively at what is being said and done, all in the name of winning.

Be careful of what you put into your own minds, as you would be of tainted and unhealthy foods.  

Do not cast aside your faithfulness, that you may be left vulnerable, and without the ability to stand in the world but not of its madness, until the end Above all is wary of pride, hypocrisy, exceptionalism, and the sins against the Spirit. For we are being tested and will be even more so before this page in history turns.

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