Recent Stock Purchase II – June 2015

As a dividend growth investor it seems that we get trigger happy any time a specific amount of cash sits in our accounts untouched. Dare I say it’s almost painful watching money earning close to zero percent sitting idle when, even in an expensive stock market, there are individual sectors and stocks that still present decent value as well as great current yield.

These are definitely interesting times for the stock market as a whole as Fed interest rate chatter and bond yields have wrecked all REITs. Even high and mighty The Procter & Gamble Company (PG),Caterpillar Inc. (CAT) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) have fallen from grace. If we pick and choose carefully you will see that values are still present even in this market. With that being said it’s probably the REITs that have been beaten down the most in recent weeks as many high quality real estate plays are trading at or near their 52 week lows. It is for this reason that I made the following buys.

I have added to my IRA account 12.5378 shares at $63.65 for a total investment of $798 in Ventas, Inc. (VTR). With this recent purchase my IRA account holdings in VTR now totals 27.2200 shares for a value of $1,729.56.

I have added to my IRA account 21.4868 shares at $37.14 for a total investment of $798 in HCP, Inc. (HCP). With this recent purchase my IRA account holdings in HCP now totals 47.0247 shares for a value of $1,753.55.

What do you think about my recent buys in the health REIT sector? Wat are you buying or planning to buy this month? Please let me know below.

Disclosure: Long VTR, HCP, PG, CAT, JNJ.

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