Gold Vs. S&P 500

For all you gold vs stock market sports fans, here is the big picture view of gold measured in S&P 500 units.  Though the stock market is making bearish technical signals and indicators are flashing a counter cyclical warning, the best that the Gold-SPX monthly chart can say at this moment in time is that MACD is getting interesting, RSI has a positive divergence and momentum to the downside by a Rate of Change (ROC) is slowing down.

The macro is changing in a big way, but we continue to note the poetic justice that would be satisfied if gold fills the 2008 ‘fear gap’ before resuming a bull market vs. SPX.  Given the damage that the US market is incurring, this could be satisfied with one final plunge with gold declining faster than the SPX or it could happen by other means.  Or it could not happen at all if MACD furthers its signal.

But it looks like we are grinding around, leaving one macro phase and entering another in the coming months.


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