Carving Smart Alpha From The S&P 500

It’s a challenge to generate alpha under any conditions, but limiting consideration to S&P 500 constituent stocks magnifies the task. Yet this stock group is too large and liquid to ignore. So it can pay to keep trying. While I can’t comment on the efficacy of the dramatically increased computer power some are marshaling to process information and trade within nanoseconds, I have noticed that plain-vanilla basics can be surprisingly productive.

Feeling Blue Battling the Blue Chips

If you find it hard to beat the blue-chip index, it’s not just you. There are bona fide reasons why it’s harder to pick successfully among the stock market’s titans.

In a fascinating 1984 paper introducing behavioral elements into our understanding of price-setting in the stock market, Nobel Laureate Robert Schiller expressed total demand for stocks as based on demand from knowledgeable investors, those who aim at objectively-determined valuations, and ordinary investors, those who don’t. Stanford’s Dr. Charles M.C. Lee re-labeled these “value” (V) and “noise” (N) and stated that P, price, is equal to V plus N.

Of interest to us right now are the factors that determine how important noise is. A huge consideration in diminishing the role of noise is information costs. In practical terms, this addresses the quantity and quality of company disclosure (the extent to which a company will provide more and better information than the minimum required by law), the number of analysts watching and analyzing, the extent of media coverage, and the number of investors watching and acting upon newly disclosed data and opinions, and even the nature of the business, the extent to which it’s even possible to attempt to apply a valuation model to the stock.

The more available information is, i.e. the lower the information costs, the less influence noise (factors other than rational credible valuation) will have on a stock price. While reasonable but differing ideas about valuation can produce alpha, noise is much more likely to offer a more fruitful hunting ground. And there is often much less noise among the most closely-watched intensively-analyzed stocks on the planet. Another factor, trading costs, also tends to depress noise among S&P 500 constituents, which can be traded with minimal slippage.

Here’s how the model works:

  • It looks for the simultaneous presence of two characteristics that might strike many as antagonistic; value and sentiment (in the context of the above behavioral references, we could see the latter as a proxy for market noise, not as much noise as might influence smaller-capitalization issues, but as much noise as we’re likely to see among the blue chips).
  • Value and sentiment each serve as a check against potentially troublesome excesses in the other. Requiring favorable analyst sentiment guards against value traps, situations where low valuation metrics reflect the market’s pessimistic judgments about the future. Requiring favorable valuation characteristics guards against excesses that may accompany overly buoyant sentiment.
  • The Value ranking system that’s used here is based on PE, PEG, Price/Sales, Price/Free Cash Flow and Price/Book.
  • The Sentiment model is based on EPS Estimate Revision, Earnings Surprise, Analyst Ratings and Changes in Analyst Ratings.
  • Value and Sentiment ratings of 80 or better (on a zero to 100 scale) are required for a stock to be eligible for inclusion in the portfolio.
  • From among stocks that pass the value and sentiment thresholds, the portfolio buys the ten that rank highest under a balanced Quality-Value-Growth-Momentum ranking system.
  • The Value component of that model is as described above.
  • The Quality model is based on Margin, Turnover, Financial Strength and Return on Capital.
  • The Growth model is based on historic EPS and Sales growth over various periods.
  • The Momentum ranking system is based on relative share-price strength over various six- to nine-month intervals and indications of recent strength in volume.
  • The model is refreshed weekly (on Monday morning) and stocks are sold if there is deterioration (even very modest deterioration) in analyst sentiment (i.e. if the Sentiment rank falls to 70 or lower).
  • Performance Since Live Launch (“Out of Sample”)

    Since the positions in the portfolio are usually close to being equally weighted, I track performance against the S&P 500 Equal Weight Index. The results are summarized in Figures 1 and 2, from Portfolio123.

    Figure 1


     Figure 2


    Portfolio Positions

    After the portfolio was refreshed on 8/17/15, the ten holdings were as follows:

Ticker Name % Wt.
ANTM Anthem Inc 9.02
BK Bank of New York Mellon Corp (The) 9.27
CINF Cincinnati Financial Corp 9.16
DHI D.R. Horton Inc. 11.25
GT Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co 9.16
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. (The) 11.49
LRCX Lam Research Corp 8.85
PVH PVH Corp 9.93
TSO Tesoro Corp 11.53
VLO Valero Energy Corp 10.28

Many have long been accustomed to using lists like this, often based on stock screens, as time savers that narrow the number of stocks one should research the aim being to select just a few. I too used to work that way. But when testing became more readily available, I changed course and now purchase the entire list, defining my idea as the strategy, rather than any individual stock. This is an important distinction, one that can play a huge role in the ultimate success or failure of an investment effort.

I’ll discuss this further in subsequent posts, but for now, suffice it to say that if you want to benefit from the overall elements of the strategy, you’ll want to own a portfolio that, on average, delivers the characteristics the model sought. Aberrations are a fact of life, so it’s important to diversify them away. (The so-called official justification for diversification is to reduce volatility. That’s fine as far as it goes. But there are other important reasons for diversification that have nothing to d with stock volatility. Mitigating data oddities, situations where a company may follow the letter of the law of a model but violate its spirit, is a crucial consideration.)

Still, it is important for investors to understand the kinds of stocks called for by particular smart-alpha protocols. So separate posts will spotlight representative issues appearing in this model, as well as other models that will be introduced here in the future.


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