Forex Week In Review

Last week we saw all the world’s major stock markets making ground in the wake of the Scottish decision to remain within the UK and the Federal Reserve announcing the end of its asset purchase scheme.

In Europe over the course of the week, the FTSE was up by 0.45%, it closed at 6837.9; the Dax ended at 9799.3, up by 1.5% on last week’s close; the CAC was up by 0.44% to end the session at 4461.2.

The Dow ended the week up by 1.7% to close at 17280. The Nasdaq composite index ended up by 0.26% over the course of the week at 4579.8.

The Nikkei 225 ended the week’s trading up by 2.4% to end the session at 16321.

Currency Markets Review

On the currency markets last week, Sterling saw the best of the trading after jitters over a possible break-up of the UK ended. The Dollar was weaker against Sterling last week closing at $1.6316 to the Pound; a loss of 0.46% over the week. The Greenback strengthened against the Euro last week by 0.92% to close at $1.2836 to the €. The Dollar was stronger against the Japanese currency, closing at 109 Yen to the Dollar, making a gain of 1.6% during the week.

The Euro strengthened against the Yen ending at 139.8, a gain of 1.4% over the course of the week. It lost ground against Sterling last week slipping by 1.4%; the close saw one £ buying €1.2711.

Commodities Market Review

On the commodities market, the price for Brent crude ended higher at $98.4 per barrel (for November delivery), a rise of 1.3% over the course of the week’s trading. The value of gold was lower last week, closing at $1219.8 per ounce, a loss of 0.95%.

Disclosure: None. 

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