Successful Trades: EUR/GBP & EUR/USD


According to Christopher Lewis’s analysis of the EUR/GBP, “The EUR/GBP pair had a fairly significant decline recently, but did manage to bounce off of the 0.70 handle. Because of this, we ended up going all the way to the 0.74 level last month, and I feel that it has reached significant resistance finally. Because of this, I believe that the area between the 0.74 handle and the 0.75 handle will continue to be a bit of a ceiling, thereby pushing markets to go lower from here”. That creates an investment opportunity on the instruments: “Low”, “Touch Down” and “No Touch Up”.

I logged in the OptionFair™ binary options trading platform and I traded $1200 on the "Low" instrument. This kind of option has a return of 71% if the option will close below the target price, which means that if the signal is correct I could get a return of $852 on my investment.

The target price for EUR/GBP at the buying time (11:40) was 0.0.72707 for the expiration of 12:00. The Asset closed on 0.72639 and I made $852.




According to Christopher Lewis’s analysis of the EUR/USD, “I believe that the easiest way to trade this pair is to simply sell the rallies. There’s no need to get bullish of the Euro right now, and quite frankly I think that the European Central Bank will get looser as time goes on. That of course will work against the value the Euro”. That creates an investment opportunity on the instruments: “Low”, “Touch Down” and “No Touch Up”.

I logged in the OptionFair™ binary options trading platform and I traded $1200 on the "Touch Down" instrument. This kind of option has a return of 75% if the option touches the strike price prior to expiry, which means that if the signal is correct, I could get a return of $900 on my investment.

The price for EUR/USD at the buying time (12:25) was 1.07329 and the target price was 1.07241 for the expiration of 13:00. The asset touched my target price at 12:34 and I made $900.



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