Terence Grennon | TalkMarkets | Page 5
Location: New York, NY, United States
Contributor's Links: Wave-Trend Strategy
30+ yrs in finance with a concentration in asset allocation


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Deflation Has Begun 
It appears as though the deflationary depression has started.
Expect Equities To Improve Before The Economy In 2023
Capital Group looked at recoveries and discovered it is best to be positioned in equities before the economy comes out of recession.
The Strategic Asset Allocation Dilemma
The instability of correlations among asset classes results in more risky allocations over time. The solution is to avoid using correlations in the development of the asset allocation strategy.
Yield Spread Translates Into Greater Than 50% Chance Of Recession
The spread between the 3-month treasury yield and the 10-year dropped to negative 89.4 basis points.
Sustainability Ratings Appear To Be A Drag On Fund Performance
An analysis of ESG funds finds that the higher price sustainable ratings of the fund’s individual stocks are hurting performance.
Price And Volume Wave-Trends Are In Conflict
Despite the positive direction in prices, volume in stocks is suggesting a top, not a continued advance.
Yes, Combining Value And Momentum Can Be Effective
The authors are the first to document that anomaly-value and anomaly-momentum can be coupled to build an effective trading strategy.
Are We Truly In A Bear In Stocks?
Looking at the 2000 - 20002 and 2008 - 2009 bears we can see we have much ahead of us if this year's bear plays out anywhere the same.
The Fed's Inflation Policy Appears To Be Working As Planned
We can see resoundingly when the inflation narrative started that the incremental Fed Fund hikes may have capped CPI.
An Effective Approach To Utilizing The 200 DMA
False/Positives are a real problem when using the 200 day moving average (200 DMA). There's an easy solution and it comes in the form of an ETF.
We Are Due A Recession
Expansions do not usually last this long.
Friday, The Unofficial Start Of A Recession
Many investors entered the markets in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, but all they have experienced are "V-shaped recoveries." The idea that everything is V-shaped has become deeply ingrained in people.
What Conditions Have Led To Economic Recessions?
This question has been explored by the World Bank (2020) and the Congressional Research Center (2019).
The AI ETF Flagship Is Still Trying To Prove Itself
Despite fund assets remaining steady, weakness appears in down markets.
When Diversification Fails
A research has shown that correlations increase and the diversification benefits of a multi-asset class portfolio even with alternatives fail during periods of market declines.
Inflation Has Peaked
With pandemic-induced saving plus several rounds of stimulus spending, consumers spent money on stuff for their homes, overwhelming the supply chain.
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