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Productivity And Debt
America and Western Europe exported almost their entire manufacturing capacity to China etc. And how can you be productive if you don’t manufacture anything?
Surplus Or Stimulus
A country in a shape as bad as Greece’s needs stimulus, not a budget surplus; a deficit would be much more helpful.
You Are Not An Investor
If we continue to use terms like ‘investor’ and ‘markets’ for what we see today, we would need to invent new terms for what these words once meant. Because they surely are not the same thing.
The EU Is One Big Fatal Flaw
Germany and Holland are doing great, according to the most recent economic data. But how is that a reason to celebrate when Greece and Italy, among others, are not doing great at all?
Our Economies Run On Housing Bubbles
We are witnessing the demise of the world’s two largest economic power blocks, the US and EU.
Austerity Kills. And Then Some
Austerity hurts the poor. For those who are living comfortably, which includes politicians and economists that “matter”, austerity at worst means eating and living somewhat less luxuriously.
Peak Wealth And Peak Energy
The American dream was the product of industrious and clever people working hard within a relatively benign political system that encouraged business in various ways.
When Was America’s Peak Wealth?
When people see themselves as at constant risk of losing almost everything they are rarely happy campers. During the 70’s buyers and their lenders began offering ridiculous prices for houses.
Not Nearly Enough Growth To Keep Growing
It takes over $10 to create $1 of growth in the US and Europe, and China too moves towards such numbers.
Renewables, Absolution And Deceit
Green is still so sexy in certain circles, you might be inclined to think that the topic is so important for both the companies and the people they seek to please that grossly exaggerating the numbers would be out of the question, but not so.
More Talk About Growth And Globalization
The world is changing rapidly and that will become even more evident in 2017. What comes next will be profoundly chaotic for quite a while.
The IMF And All The Other Losers
The tight connection between an era of economic growth (and/or contraction) and the politicians that ‘rule’ during that era is reflected in Hazel Henderson’s“economics is nothing but politics in disguise”.
China Relies On Property Bubbles To Prop Up GDP
Should Chinese outstanding loans and corporate debt be seen as public debt or private debt, given that the dividing line between state and corporations is as opaque and shifting as it is? Even the BIS looks confused.
Negative Interest Rates And The War On Cash (Part 4)
In attempting to keep the credit bonanza going with their existing powers,central banks have set the global financial system up for an across-the-board asset price collapse.
Negative Interest Rates And The War On Cash (Part 3)
There is an important distinction to be made between official electronic currency – allowing everyone to hold an account with the central bank — and private electronic currency. I
Negative Interest Rates And The War On Cash (Part 2)
The greater the public’s desire to hold cash to protect themselves, the greater will be the incentive for central banks and governments to restrict its availability.
33 to 48 of 56 Posts