John Rubino | TalkMarkets | Page 42
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John blogs on Substack and is the former manager of the popular financial website His books include The Money Bubble: What To Do Before It Pops (2014), The Collapse Of The Dollar And How to Profit From It (2008), Clean Money: Picking Winners In The Green-Tech Boom (2008) and How ...more

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Why Pensions Are A (Big) Black Swan
When talk turns to what might derail today’s debt-driven “recovery, underfunded pension plans tend not to be mentioned because most of them are too small to matter on their own and too hard to understand for most people.
The Only Thing Growing Is Debt
US manufacturing has in fact been weak for a while. But the timing and circumstances make it ominous: Six years into a recovery and with interest rates at record (and unnaturally) low levels, this kind of gradual slowdown should not be happening.
Greece Holds Out, Wins Even Worse Deal
Greece’s GDP is only about 237 billion euros, having fallen by nearly a third since the last financial crisis. So €50 billion is about 20% of the entire economy.
Greece Enters Its Crack-Up Boom
When Greeks start clamoring to pre-pay their taxes, you know the end is near.
Can You Imagine The Fed Raising Interest Rates In This World?
For the world’s biggest economy to respond to what's going on in the world with steps to slow down its growth would be at best ill-mannered and at worst the kind of slap in the face that sets off global contagions.
Another Fun Monday
This week is starting with no such ambiguity. The Greeks had their vote and tossed a resounding “NO” at their European creditors. And the markets are not happy...
What If You Had An Italian Bank Account? Or A Portuguese Bond?
Italy, Spain, and Portugal will soon need (more accurately demand) a Greek-style bailout.
On Monday, It’s China Versus Greece
China is cutting interest rates and lowering reserve requirements in an effort to support stock prices. Markets love easy money and usually respond to such policy changes with panic buying.
Another Week, Another Chinese Gold Mine
Most recently, China’s Zijin Mining Group not only made another Australian acquisition but raised $1.6 billion to keep the M&A binge going.
Housing Recovery? Nah, It’s Just Spiking Mortgage Rates
The yield on US 10-year Treasuries is up by 75 basis points since January, which inevitably means higher mortgage rates.
Is The Fake Recovery Becoming Real? And Would That Be As Bad As It Seems?
By borrowing another $57 trillion since 2008 and pushing interest rates down to zero and below, the (formerly) rich countries are now living in an “all news is bad news” world.
Let’s Just Get This Greece Thing Over With
As much as we all love a good crisis, this is getting really tiresome. The threats, the name-calling, the apocalypse certain to occur if one side doesn’t immediately cave to the other’s unreasonable demands.
We’re All Greek Now — Some Just Don’t Know It Yet
Capital controls, to the extent that they ever work, have to be imposed by surprise, while there’s still some capital to control. If you wait until everyone expects them, the banks empty out in anticipation and you’ve locked a barn sans horses.
Is The Age Of Negative Interest Rates Ending Already?
History teaches that long trends end only when everyone is finally convinced that they’ll keep going.
Turns Out There’s Already Competition In The Gold-Backed Currency Space
The splash that BitGold made recently by buying GoldMoney led many (including this writer) to assume that the Canadian start-up was pioneering the gold-backed currency space.
Is This Gold’s Long-Awaited Killer App?
Gold bugs around the world got a shock a few weeks ago when a tiny Canadian start-up called BitGold bought venerable GoldMoney, the second biggest (after BullionVault) precious metals storage firm.
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