Gary Christenson | TalkMarkets | Page 6
Owner, Deviant Investor
Contributor's Links: The Deviant Investor
Gary Christenson is the owner and writer for the popular and contrarian investment site The Deviant Investor and the author of the book, “Gold Value and Gold Prices 1971 – 2021.” He is a retired accountant and business ...more

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Zika, ZIRP, And NIRP Viruses
The ZIRP virus is a nasty virus that affects many people, pension plans, insurance companies, and government budgets. Central banks have concocted this virus and it has infected many pools of savings.
Keep The Money Game Churning
There is money to be made so the game must be played… It’s always"Showtime" in the financial markets.
Future Gold Prices
The model suggests that central bank devaluations and government actions could push gold to $3-$5,000 in roughly five years, as central bank devaluations and government actions have pushed gold prices from about $40 in 1971 to about $1,200 in 2016.
Silver Buy Signal – 2016
The gold to silver ratio has been used for years to indicate buy and sell zones in both gold and silver. Why?
Silver Prices In Five Years?
The global financial system is increasingly unstable and fragile, more so than in 2008. The important question is: How will governments, central banks and financial systems respond to the ongoing crisis?
It Has Begun
The process of discovering true value has begun, as indicated by the decline in the S&P, decline in the Shanghai Index, rise in gold stocks, rise in gold, and rise in silver. Expect it to continue.
Q&A With Mr. Silver Market
People say the silver and gold markets are manipulated.Does that mean I should Not purchase silver and gold as insurance against the coming financial catastrophe? Q&A with Mr. Silver Market.
Silver, Gold, The Argentina Peso, And Exponentially Increasing Prices
The exchange rate between the Argentina Peso and the US dollar in January 1945 was 4.17 pesos to one dollar.Like the United States, Argentina created substantial price inflation – devaluation of their currency – in the 1950s – 1990s.
Gold, Gold Stocks, And The End Game
Gold prices have bottomed. The XAU index of gold stocks has bottomed.
Wasteful Monetary Devastation (WMD) – Weapons Of Mass Destruction
Wasteful Monetary Devastation will destroy unbacked paper currencies, the global bond market, and economies dependent upon financial engineering and paper pushing.
Crude Oil Bottoms And Blues
Expect higher crude oil prices – eventually – and expect more currency devaluations and higher gold and silver prices in 2016 and 2017.
Central Bank Created Silver Rally
Central banks have created a mess, unless you enjoy unemployment, crashing economies, a wave of bankruptcies, and half of the world’s assets owned by only a few people.
A Short History Of Paper Money
Suppose you had a printing press along with a supply of perfect paper. You could print a batch of perfect $100 notes or 500 euro notes, but only in an emergency... I predict that you would find many emergencies.
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