Alasdair MacLeod | TalkMarkets | Page 6
Head of Research, GoldMoney
Contributor's Links: GoldMoney MacleodFinance
Alasdair has been a celebrated stockbroker and Member of the London Stock Exchange for over four decades. His experience encompasses equity and bond markets, fund management, corporate finance and investment strategy.

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An Asian Bretton Woods?
China’s motives for taking control of the gold bullion market have almost certainly evolved.
Supply Chains, Interest Rates And Inflation
The disruption of global supply chains is seen to be a temporary problem yet to be resolved, but there are good reasons to believe it is now permanent.
Living With Contracting Bank Credit
A look at the consequences of contracting bank credit on the economy, financial markets, and commodities. It is a developing global condition.
Geopolitics: The World Is Splitting Into Two
While we are being distracted by Ukraine, President Putin has advanced his geopolitical goals materially.
Gdp Targeting — Realistic Or Not?
The failure of the Bank of England to contain consumer price inflation has become a topic for debate at a time of changing premiership.
Bank Credit — Friend Or Foe?
Advocates of sound money place much of the blame for inflation on bank credit. Do away with the creation of bank credit, they say, and the destructive cycle of boom and bust will be cured.
Challenges For The New Prime Minister
London operates as the clearing centre for transactions between the Eurozone’s commercial banks. If the euro system fails, London’s survival as a financial centre could be jeopardised.
Gold And The Upcoming Recession
We are now seeing the initial stages of a currency, credit, and banking crisis develop.
The Collapsing Euro And Its Implications
The ECB, and the euro system of shareholder national central banks, have metaphorically been caught with their collective trousers down.
Failing States And Strangled Economies
Behind the inevitable crisis which is now emerging is a lack of understanding that it is not supply chain failures or an evil President of Russia that has caused our current predicament, but our previous monetary excesses.
Inflation, Recession, And New Currencies
In the interests of one’s own self-protection, it is time to fully understand the difference between legal money, fiat currency, and the importance of bank credit.
Russia Is Winning The Financial War
Sanctions have backfired on those described by Vladimir Putin as the unfriendly nations. It is setting in train a series of events likely to undermine the whole Western financial system.
A Perfect Storm In Banking Is Brewing
Now that interest rates are rising with much further to go, the global banking system faces a crisis on a scale like no other in history.
Protection From A Currency Collapse
We are now moving rapidly towards a human desire to protect what we have. This is fear, instead of the desire to make easy money, or greed.
Recession, Prices, And The Crack-Up Boom
Initiated by monetarists, the debate between an outlook for inflation versus recession intensifies.
Cycles Are Driven By Credit
The driver behind the boom-and-bust cycle of business activity is credit itself. It, therefore, stands to reason that the greater the level of monetary intervention, the more uncontrollable the outcome becomes.
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