Timothy Naegele | TalkMarkets | Page 3
Timothy D. Naegele was once counsel to the United States Senates Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass). He has an undergraduate degree in ...more


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Sadly, This Book Is Out Of Print, Because Its Wisdom Is Needed Now In The Middle East And Globally More Than Ever
Jeremy Ben-Ami: “Is this how I wanted to be treated when I was a minority in another people’s country?”
Joe Biden's Shameful Legacy
Is it too late to retreat from the abyss?
Is Free Speech Dead And Buried At Berkeley, And Elsewhere?
Solomon and Chermerinsky have disgraced their coveted positions at Berkeley.
Will There Be A Second Holocaust?
Peace needs to reign, not wars, deaths and destruction.
Why Are Actors Treated As Heroes?
William Shakespeare was correct: All the world’s a stage.
Does Anyone Really Care?
Will the demonic Netanyahu push the world into war?
Repel And Defeat The Invaders
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The Dumbing Down Of America
Crime and divisions need to be "torn asunder," not perpetuated.
The Amtrak Scam
Such a scam hurts innocent victims, and it maligns the fine services provided by Amtrak and its dedicated employees.
E Pluribus Unum
It took many decades to heal the divisions created by our Civil War. Some contend that the animus has never really left us.
Netanyahu Is Destroying Israel's Democracy, And Biden Is Destroying America
Both groups need to be realistic and appreciate what the future may hold for them.
America's Sodom And Gomorrah
America has become unrecognizable since brain-addled Joe Biden and his thugs regained control of the levers of power.
Can 9/11 Happen Again?
Those who forget the past are destined to repeat it . . . or even worse.
Challenging The Sacred Cows And Orthodoxy
America is being led by a flaming imbecile, Joe Biden, with Willie Brown’s former ho Kamala Harris waiting in the wings for Biden to croak.
The Dream Of Freedom Will Never Cease
Surely the Left's threats and actions are as evil as those perpetrated by Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Xi Jinping and their thugs.
A Turning Point In Global History?
Where is God? Here, there and everywhere; and yes, life does go on.
33 to 48 of 246 Posts
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