James Byrne | TalkMarkets | Page 2
Owner of Grand Street Advisors, LLC
Location: 600 Admiral Blvd, Kansas City, MO, United States
Phone: 8165109897
Contributor's Links: Wall Street From Main Street
James Byrne has been in the investment arena for 28 years. He cut his teeth on the trading desks of Wall Street in the Fixed Income Institutional Arbitrage area working on some of the largest global financial institutional sales and trading desks. Opportunity allowed a move to Kansas City Missouri ...more

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Are The Chicken Little's Scaring Wall Street Investors Or Is There More Room For This Bull To Run
We are cautiously optimistic as we enter earnings season. Should earnings and guidance not meet our lowered expectations we’ll look to move to a more defensive posture and raise our cash allocations.
Wall Street Says Nyet To The Ouzo Just Yet But The Risk's Too High To Just Sit This Market Out
Is it time to get ready for my great big fat Greek default? The window to closing a compromise deal between Greece and the EU is closing fast.
PT Barnum Was Made For This Market Animal Spirits And All
PT Barnum once said, “energy and patience in business are two indispensable elements of success”. That couldn’t be more true with investing in today’s markets.
Quit All The Barking. No Bear Market Coming. Just Follow Bear
The US economy continues an improving trajectory at a speed of good not great. We are a near $17 trillion economy expanding at a 2 ½% to 3 ¼% annual growth pace.
For Wall Street And The Markets Expect Much Of The Same
The US economy has clearly reached escape velocity from the negative gravitational pull of the bruising recession. There are three white condors to beware.
Jobs Leap 321,000 Get Ready For The New Normal
The U.S. economy is no longer a good house in a bad neighborhood. We are the Bentley in a used car lot. The U.S. economy for the trailing two quarters is averaging better than a 4% expansion rate of growth.
Are Wall Street And Markets Doing The Two Step?
From GSA’s perch the economy is about to finally hit breakaway velocity from the grips of the bruising recession and trend growth reaching 3% or better going forward.
Here Comes Yell, Just Don't Expect Much. And That's A Good Thing
Here comes the Fed statement, and how investors can profit.
Investors Would Be Wise To Know When To Ante Up And When To Call
There has been continuing and broadening theme in the economy as of late. That theme? Strength.
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