Gavin McMaster | TalkMarkets | Page 2
Options Expert
Contributor's Links: Options Trading IQ
Gavin has a Masters in Applied Finance and Investment. He specializes in income trading using options, is very conservative in his style and believes patience in waiting for the best setups is the key to successful trading. He likes to focus on short volatility strategies. Since launching his ...more


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Best Stocks For Wheel Strategy Trades: Use These In 2022
Blue chips companies, high dividend stocks, REITs, and low beta ETFs work well when employing the wheel strategy.
Second Order Greeks
Just when you thought you had it figured out with the first-order greeks, you find out there are second order greeks as well. The first order greeks are the sensitivities of different factors to the price of an option. Yet that is not all.
Exxon Mobil Stock Split History
There are a couple of different reasons that a company might want to conduct a stock split.
Stop Order Vs. Stop Limit Order – What Is The Difference?
The Stop and Stop-Limit orders are both orders that become active once the price reaches a certain price threshold.
Stock Market Crash – Biggest Declines Through History
The 2000 Dot-Com bubble represents one of the largest bubbles in history.
Is The Married Put The Same As A Long Call?
In simple terms, yes, they are. The married put and the long call are synthetics of each other. The risk structure is the same, and their Greeks are very close. However, there are some nuanced differences that you need to know about the two.
Black Swan Index: What Is It, And Is It Important?
The term “Black Swan Index” that you might see on social media or in financial articles is referring to CBOE’s SKEW index. Based on option prices of the S&P 500, the SKEW index measures investors’ perceived tail risk.
Risks Of Buying A Call Out Of The Money
Every trade involves some level of risk. The out-of-the-money call is no exception. In this article, we will look at the risks associated with purchasing a call out of the money. Here we discuss some strategies for mitigating these risks.
Wheel Trade Example: How To Handle A Trade Gone Bad
Today, we’re going to look at a wheel trade example, but one that is not a winning trade. We will be looking at a trade that is under pressure. When trading the wheel, it’s important to understand what happens when a stock drops in the beginning.
Short Percentage Of Float – What Does It Mean?
Individuals keen on understanding more about how investors view prospects on stocks can look at a very important metric, the Short Percentage of Float. This number helps to gauge the demand for short shares on a particular security.
Stocks Vs. Bonds Vs. Mutual Funds
Having your money spread across multiple types of investments can be a great way to reduce your financial risk.
Open-End And Closed-End Funds: What’s The Difference?
We are going to take a look at the differences between open-end and closed-end funds. You will want to know more about some of these important differences before you consider investing in either of these options.
Are We In A Derivatives Bubble?
In this guide, we will dive into everything that you need to know about a derivatives bubble. We are also going to answer that dreaded question, “are we currently in a derivatives bubble?”
Preparing For A Financial Crisis
There comes a time in every investor’s life where they have to make preparations for the possibility of a financial crisis. What are some of the best investment strategies for surviving a financial crisis?
Adjusting Calendar Spreads
Today we will focus our attention on adjusting calendar spreads and how to manage them. In this article, we will learn how to adjust and manage calendar spreads so that we can stay in the trade long enough to get some profits.
How Do Brokers Make Money?
A significant source of income for some brokerages is still commission dependent.
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