Gavin McMaster | TalkMarkets | Page 3
Options Expert
Contributor's Links: Options Trading IQ
Gavin has a Masters in Applied Finance and Investment. He specializes in income trading using options, is very conservative in his style and believes patience in waiting for the best setups is the key to successful trading. He likes to focus on short volatility strategies. Since launching his ...more

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Hedge Funds Vs. Mutual Funds
Today we’ll talk about the differences between hedge funds vs. mutual funds. There are key differences between hedge funds and mutual funds. We are going to cover those differences in this article.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hedge Funds
There are tons of advantages and disadvantages when investing in hedge funds. We are going to spend some time today taking a closer look.
Easy Option Strategies
In the long term VXX loses value due to that negative effect derived from “contango” in the VIX futures curve.
What Are The Best Coffee Stocks And Why?
The ‘food and drink’ sector of the share market holds several valuable coffee stocks that might be appealing to investors.
What Are The Best Performing Stocks Of All Time?
All seven of these companies are highly recognizable because they have had great success in recent decades. Many of them belong to very different industries, but they’ve all managed to generate enough success to reach the top.
Full Service Broker Vs. Discount Broker?
Today we will compare a full service broker vs. a discount broker. We will explain the differences between the two and discuss which option might be best for you.
What Are Inverse Volatility ETFs And How Do They Work?
ETFs are generally considered to be extremely safe investments.
How To Draw Fibonacci Extensions
Fibonacci series is a sequence of numbers arranged in an order starting from 0 where the following number is the summation of the previous two.
The Complete Guide To The Option Ladder – Talking Strategy
An option ladder expresses a unique view on the direction of an underlying. We will outline some different types of trades in this article and how to apply these ideas in real life.
Is Marvel Entertainment Stock Publicly Traded?
While it is not currently possible to invest in Marvel Entertainment, many investors will be pleased to read throughout the information in this article and realize that Disney could be an excellent indirect alternative for investing in Marvel.
Warrants Vs Options: What’s The Difference?
It’s not uncommon for novice investors to get confused about the similarities and differences between warrants vs options.
10 Day Trading Secrets For Beginners
Day trading is one of the most popular strategies for individuals that invest in the stock market.
Can You Buy Stock In Burger King?
With a strong 2021 first-quarter performance, Burger King sales increased 6.8%, totaling a whopping $270 million in profits.
Vacation Trades: Option Strategies For When You Are Away
Let’s see what strategies we can put on where we set and forget for at least three weeks.
Option Greeks: Everything You Need To Know
Option Greeks are risk assessment metrics often employed in the options market to analyze different types of risk related to such securities. There are five main Greeks and this text will help you understand which kind of risk each of them measure.
The Reverse Iron Butterfly
The Reverse Iron Butterfly is a rarely used but often effective options structure to take advantage of under-priced volatility. This article will break down the Reverse Butterfly. We will then discuss when we can use it effectively in our portfolio.
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