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Founder, Aleph Blog
Contributor's Links: The Aleph Blog Aleph Investments, LLC
David J. Merkel, CFA — 2010-present, I run my own equity asset management shop, called Aleph Investments. I manage separately managed stock and bond accounts for upper middle class individuals and small institutions. My minimum is $100,000. From 2008-2010, I was the more

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Learning From The Past, Part 3
I didn’t recognize that the cost of avoiding issuing equity or longer-term debt was greater reliance on short-term debt from factors — short-term lenders that had a priority claim on inventory.
Value Investing And Fed Policy
David Merkel talking about his view of Apple, Fed Policy and what should investor do in this low interest rate environment.
Talking Mostly About Earnings
I was on RT Boom/Bust yesterday. The segment that I taped here was mostly on corporate earnings. (Video length 00:27:54)
Redacted Version Of The January 2015 FOMC Statement
Pretty much a nothing-burger. Few significant changes. The FOMC has a stronger view of GDP and Labor, and deems the weak global economy to be a reason to wait.
Choose Your Weatherman With Care
As an analyst of insurance companies that insure against many of the losses, it has taken an iron constitution to keep from trading out of loss-exposed insurers when I think the forecast is overly pessimistic.
Like A Cardinal, The Price Action Will Be Red
It is truly amazing how predictable the losses are from promoted stocks, and that is why you should never buy them.
Relying On The Kindness Of Strangers
Significant currency brokers relied on the Swiss National Bank to keep its currency peg in place. Now some of them are insolvent, and many of their clients also.
Living In The Land Of Worries, Part 1
For many people, worry paralyzes. If there are significant potential problems, they won’t invest, or they will keep their investments very simple and safe.
Learning From The Past, Part 2
This is a series on learning about investing, using my past mistakes as grist for the mill.
Holiday Randoms
I won’t try to predict the next Black Swan as the definition says that is impossible but there will be Black Swans large and small that come along and the key to successfully navigating them is the awareness to recognize them in real time.
Learning From The Past, Part 1
Don’t buy what someone wants to sell you. Instead, research what you need, and buy that.
Redacted Version Of The December 2014 FOMC Statement
Pretty much a nothing-burger. Few significant changes, if any. The only interesting thing is that they have given up on inflation getting anywhere near 2% for now.
On Financial Risk Statements, Part 1
Most formal statements on financial risk are useless to their users. Here's why.
Have Your Cake, Eat It Too, And End Up With Only Crumbs
The topic is margin loans. A surfeit of margin debt can turn a low severity crisis into a high severity crisis, both individually and corporately.
Should Jim Cramer Sell TheStreet Or Quit CNBC?
Recently, a 9% holder of TheStreet sent a letter to Jim, asking him to either sell off TheStreet in an auction or leave CNBC and rebuild the value of TheStreet.
Two Notes: Crude Oil & Bonds
Often the rate of change in a price can tell you something, particularly if the good in question is widely traded/held by a wide number of parties with different interests.
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