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Founder & Editor, Insider Trade Reports
Asif Suria is the founder and editor of Insider Trade Reports, a service that provides daily reports on insider activity and rates the top insider purchases and sales using a proprietary model. Asif is a passionate value investor and also writes a free investment newsletter called SINLetter. ...more


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Insider Weekends – January 29, 2016
Insider buying declined last week with insiders buying $27.94 million of stock compared to $56.58 million the week prior. Selling increased with insiders selling $267.17 million of stock last week compared to $112.27 million in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 292: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying declined last week with insiders buying $56.58m of stock compared to $66.27m in the week prior. Selling also decreased with insiders selling $112.27m of stock last week compared to $212.11m in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 291: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying declined last week with insiders buying $66.27m of stock compared to $132.61m in the week prior. Selling also decreased with insiders selling $212.11m of stock last week compared to $439.57m in the week prior.
Insider Weekends – January 10, 2016
In a week that marked the worst start to a year in the history of the S&P 500, insiders stepped up their purchases significantly, buying $132.61 million of stock compared to $42.25 million in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 289: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying decreased last week with insiders buying $42.25m of stock compared to $60.29m in the week prior. Selling also decreased with insiders selling $359.11m of stock last week compared to $522.92m in the week prior.
Insider Weekends-December 27. 2015
Insider buying declined last week with insiders buying $60.29 million of stock compared to $308.73 million in the week prior. Selling decreased with insiders selling $522.92 million of stock last week compared to $871.89 million the week prior.
Insider Weekends-December 20, 2015
Insider buying decreased last week with insiders buying $308.73 million of stock compared to $596.73 million in the week prior. Selling increased with insiders selling $871.89 million of stock last week compared to $767.16 million in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 286: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying increased significantly last week with insiders buying $596.73 million of stock compared to $45.92 million in the week prior. Selling on the other hand decreased with insiders selling $767.16 million of stock last week.
Insider Weekends – December 6, 2015
Insider buying declined last week with insiders buying $45.92 million of stock compared to $67.18 million in the week prior. Selling also decreased with insiders selling $1.15 billion of stock last week compared to $1.85 billion in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 284: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying declined last week with insiders buying $67.18 million of stock compared to $132.46 million in the week prior. Selling also decreased with insiders selling $1.85 billion of stock last week compared to $2.15 billion in the week prior.
Insider Weekends – November 15, 2015
Insider buying increased greatly last week with insiders buying $193.44 million of stock compared to $39.44 million the week prior. Selling increased with insiders selling $2.88 billion of stock last week compared to $1.36 billion the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 281: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying dropped significantly last week with insiders buying $39.44 million of stock compared to $122.24 million in the week prior. Selling remained unchanged with insiders selling $1.36 billion of stock last week.
Insider Trading Report Edition 280: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying more than doubled last week with insiders buying $122.24 million of stock compared to $50.95 million in the week prior. Selling also increased with $1.36 billion of stock last week compared to $417.9 million in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 279: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $50.95 million of stock compared to $24.71m in the week prior. Selling also increased with insiders selling $417.9 million of stock last week compared to $295.56m in the week prior.
Insider Weekends – October 17, 2015
Insider buying and selling declined last week compared to the week prior. Insider transactions are likely to stay muted over the next week or two as we get into the thick of earnings season.
Insider Weekends – Edition 277
Insider buying dropped last week with insiders buying $55.32 million of stock compared to $226.99 million the week prior. Selling declined with insiders selling $489.91 million of stock last week compared to $594.85 million the week prior.
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