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Founder & Editor, Insider Trade Reports
Asif Suria is the founder and editor of Insider Trade Reports, a service that provides daily reports on insider activity and rates the top insider purchases and sales using a proprietary model. Asif is a passionate value investor and also writes a free investment newsletter called SINLetter. ...more

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Insider Trading Report Edition 309: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying decreased last week with insiders buying $75.93 million of stock compared to $79 million in the week prior. Selling increased with insiders selling $2.17 billion of stock last week compared to $1.84 billion in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 308: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $79 million of stock compared to $43.91 million in the week prior. Selling decreased with insiders selling $1.84 billion of stock last week compared to $2.43 billion in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 307: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying decreased last week with insiders buying $43.91 million of stock compared to $120.89 million in the week prior. Selling more than doubled with insiders selling $2.43 billion of stock last week.
Insider Trading Report Edition 306: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying increased significantly last week with insiders buying $120.89 million of stock compared to $8.03 million in the week prior. Selling was flat with insiders selling $596.16 million of stock last week.
Insider Trading Report Edition 305: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $8.03 million of stock compared to $8.36 million in the week prior. Selling declined with insiders selling $596.17 million of stock last week compared to $362.04 million in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 304: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $8.36 million of stock compared to $119.62 million in the week prior. Selling declined with insiders selling $362.04` million of stock last week compared to $906 billion in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 303: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $119.62 million of stock compared to $26.94 million in the week prior. Selling declined with insiders selling $906 million of stock last week compared to $1.32 billion in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 302: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying declined last week with insiders buying $26.94 million of stock compared to $38.86 million in the week prior. Selling more than doubled with insiders selling $1.32bn of stock last week compared to $635.25 million in the week prior.
Insider Weekends-March 27, 2016
Insider buying decreased with insiders buying $38.86 million of stock compared to $269.24 million the week prior. Selling also decreased significantly with insiders selling $635.25 million of stock last week compared to $1.33 billion the week prior.
Insider Weekends – March 20, 2016-Edition 300
Insider buying more than doubled last week with insiders buying $269.24 million of stock compared to $103.49 million the week prior.Selling decreased with insiders selling $1.33 billion of stock last week compared to $2.15 billion in the week prior.
Insider Weekends – March 13, 2016
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $103.49 million of stock compared to $85.92 million in the week prior. Selling decreased with insiders selling $2.15 billion of stock last week compared to $2.2 billion in the week prior.
Insider Weekends – March 4, 2016
Insider buying decreased last week with insiders buying $85.92 million of stock compared to $154.2 million in the week prior. Selling on the other hand doubled with insiders selling $2.2 billion of stock compared to $1.06 billion in the week prior.
Insider Weekends – February 28, 2016
Insider buying decreased significantly last week with insiders buying $154.2 million of stock compared to $540.45 million the week prior. Insider selling increased to sales of $1.06 billion of stock last week from $938.04 million the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 296: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying more than doubled again last week with insiders buying $540.45m of stock compared to $252.12m in the week prior. Selling also increased with insiders selling $938.04m of stock last week compared to $693.93m in the week prior.
Insider Weekends – February 14, 2016-Edition 295
Insider buying doubled last week with insiders buying $252.12 million of stock compared to $87.63 million the week prior. Selling decreased with insiders selling $693.93 million of stock last week compared to $825.55 million in the week prior.
Insider Weekends-February 7, 2016
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $87.63 million of stock compared to $27.94 million in the week prior. Selling also increased with insiders selling $825.55 million of stock last week compared to $267.17 million the week prior.
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