Miners Look To Take The Lead

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Ben Franklin

Another solid day for stocks.

So many stocks are working well and amongst them, miners are looking set to take the lead.

I’ve got to ride this wave until it stops and there is no telling how long it can last but I’m always watching closely.

This bull market sure is enjoyable and we’ve still got the fun, fun, fun of a blow-off top to come in a couple years.

(Click on image to enlarge)

Fine action from SPY.

We should see one of two things here.

Either a bull flag continues to form, and then we break higher.

Or, we test the 242 breakout area which should be a buy.

We see so often breakout levels tested, which end up being superb, and safe buy levels.

Let’s see how it plays out later this week.

These are my thoughts on the SPY ETF in my Daily Trade Ideas which includes many, many more charts and setups. Subscribe to my ...

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