Breakout Weakening But We’re Holding Up For Now

“Living in fear is just another way of dying before your time” Drive By Truckers

We saw the breakout weaken today but things still look fine.

Many times we see breakout levels tested before we really accelerate higher so I’d like to see that and so far we look fine.

SPY April 1, 2016

SPY is holding and while I’d rather see a clean break on massive volume with super follow through I’m going to stay long until the action tells me not to and so far it’s telling me to stay long.

My real-time service ended today but I’m going to continue it for those members free for the next couple weeks or so until I go for a much need two weeks on two wheels vacation.

Enjoy your evening.

These are my thoughts on the SPY ETF in my Daily Trade Ideas which includes many, many more charts and setups. Subscribe to my ...

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