Daily Stock Tip: Brookfield Renewable

A portfolio of stocks I've been building since September 3 is named Volio. It will eventually hold 52 dividend dogs. Volio is the fifth portfolio I've built (at a one dividend dog per-week pace) since 2014. Five portfolios = V for Volio!

Today I'm reviewing the first of five utilities sector stocks striving to join my Volio folio. This could be the fourteenth pick for Volio!

Now to the utilities sector includes seven industries all geared to delivering water, gas or electricity or all  three to us. Utilities industries are: diversified; independent power producers; regulated electric, regulated gas; regulated water; renewable .

My subject today is a mid-cap renewable utility company named, Brookfield Renewable Partners LP. Their trading ticker symbol is BEP.  This is my first-ever report on BEP.

Brookfield Renewable Partners LP  owns a portfolio of renewable power generating facilities is spread across North America, Latin America, and Europe. Its renewable power generating assets include conventional hydroelectric facilities and wind facilities located in North America, Latin America, and Europe.

Its operations are segmented by the type of power generation Hydroelectric, Wind, solar, storage and Other, which includes Biomass and Co-gen with Hydroelectric and Wind further segmented by geography.

Its portfolio consists of approximately 17,400 megawatts of installed capacity.

The company was formerly known as Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners L.P. and changed its name to Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. in May 2016. Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

I use three key data points to gauge dividend paying equities or funds like

Brookfield Renewable Partners LP (BEP):

(1) Price

(2) Dividends

(3) Returns

Besides those three, several other keys  will finally unlock an equity or fund in which to invest, or not.

Those three basic keys, however, best tell whether a company has made, is making, and will make money.

BEP Price

Brookfield Renewable's price per share closed at $47.47 Friday. A year ago its price was $27.17. So, in the past year its price rose $20.30, or almost 75%.

Assuming Brookfield Renewable's stock trades in a range of $40 to $54 this next year, it's recent $47.47 price could rise by $3.53  to reach $51.00 by early-December, 2020, assuming upward price momentum continues.

BEP Dividends

Brookfield Renewable's latest declared quarterly dividend was $0.515 payable December 31st.

That $0.515 Q dividend equates to $2.06 annually and yields 4.34% based on yesterday's $47.47 closing price.

BEP Gains?

Adding the $0.515 annual estimated dividend to my $3.53 estimate of Brookfield Renewable's price upside shows an $4.05 potential gross gain, per share, which will be reduced by any costs to trade these shares.

Say, for costs, a little under $1,000.00 today in Brookfield Renewable at its recent 47.47 price, would buy 21 shares of BEP.

A $10 broker fee paid half at purchase and half at sale could cost us about $0.48 per share.

Subtract that $0.48 brokerage cost from the estimated $4.05 gross estimated gain per share leaves a net gain of $3.57 X 21 shares = $74.51 or a 7.5% net gain on a $996.87 investment.

Therefore, Brookfield Renewable Partners LP, whose trading ticker symbol is BEP shows a possible 7.5% net gain including a 4.34% dividend yield. It could be more, it could be less.

The above speculation is based on past year performance. The actual results remain to be seen to learn if Brookfield Renewable Partners LP (BEP), is worth your time and money.

Disclosure: This article was compiled by Rydlun & Co., LLC from data derived from www.ycharts. com; www.finance.yahoo.com; analyst median target price by YCharts.

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