Ritesh Jain | TalkMarkets | Page 1
Trend watcher, Global Macro investor, Former CIO, Blogger
Contributor's Links: World Out Of Whack
I have Studied commerce and Economics and some more ….. Austrian Economics in Munich , Germany I was chief investment officer at some large Asset managers in India and at one point managing USD 6 billion in equity , fixed income , offshore and PMS assets at Tata asset management . I ...more


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Newsflash: It’s The Balance Sheet, Stupid! Russell Napier
The strange behavior of commodity markets in wake of Fed stopping QT…
15 Things Global Macro Investors Should Have Learned From The Great Financial Crisis And Aftermath
The Great Financial Crisis shook a lot of trees and made many economists/investors/traders go back and question first principles—at least it should have. Here’s a quick list of Things We Should Have Learned by Now.
United States Vs China – A Tech War
The US has reached the point where a few tech giants are important economic drivers. Dominating new tech has become an absolute must to keep the US economy strong and military superior.
Zombie Markets Before The Fall
What murdered functioning markets is intervention by central banks, in alleged attempts to save those same markets.
The Bubble Is Losing Air. Get Ready For A Crisis
The “everything bubble” is deflating. The fact that it’s happening relatively slowly shouldn’t blind us to the real threat: The world is dangerously underestimating how hard it’ll be to deal with the fallout once it pops.
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