Video content of Pattern To Profit | TalkMarkets
Geometric technical analysis of global financial markets
Contributor's Links: Pattern to Profit
Pattern to Profit is an independent technical investment research firm utilizing unique geometric analysis of global financial markets. Research from Pattern to Profit is largely based on Hathaway Analysis (™), comprised of the proprietary methods and techniques of Scott Hathaway, ...more


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Fractional Harmonix (TM) In Action
Scott Hathaway explains and demonstrates 3 kinds of fractional concepts as well as combining them. In addition, he shows how fractional angles can form mathematical patterns to identify important reversals.
Establishing A Relative Charting Environment For The Vector Circle
Scott Hathaway explains and demonstrates the procedure for calculating the necessary price/time ratio in order to set a trend to a particular angle of importance.
Video: Bitcoin Geometry Explained
Bitcoin analysis - Video presentation by Scott Hathaway, CFTe, geometric analysis of Bitcoin (XBT/USD). Video length 00:09:44.
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